Saturday, June 03, 2006
Got back from family camping expedition in the Gower on Thursday and then spent yesterday in bed with a vicious tummy bug. Could it have been the barbecue?!
Yes before you ask that is a copy of the Church Times at my feet! Did I buy it? No I was given it (honest!). Why did I have it on holiday with me?! well actually there was an interview with Brian McLaren about the Da Vinci Code in also came in handy to fan the flames of the barbeque!
Feeling a bit better this morning...wanting to be 100% fit for our second lab at Heroes Bar/Lounge in the Leisure Centre tomorrow night. Bit of input at heroes this time from the godly crew at Bethel......looking forward to it.
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Gettin some practice in for New Wine are you?? Hope you remembered the sun cream (Kate and I r both red raw!!!)
Blessings matey
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Blessings matey
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