Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The lab was a good on Sunday night - smallish group. The Archdeac was there ...again!! he either quites likes it or believes I need keeping an eye on....amybe even both! our theme was 'made in God's image' and we got people to take "the walk of mirrors" so they could see just how beautiful they are! really good to have Cat from the Uni on the bongos....Hoping to explore the possibility of an alt. venue for some of the labs after Easter....maybe Heroes Bar at the Leisure Centre - it looks fab (and has some wicked sofas!)

Also mulling over with Gerald (Salvation Army) and Andrew (Bethel Church) the possibility of hiring a nightclub for a Christian gig.

Dad arrives tomorrow for a day's walking, talking and praying.

Missing the squash at the moment with Phil...leisure centre not free until next week. So I will have to wait to try out my new racket! (broke mine during my last dual with P!)

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