Tuesday, December 27, 2005


have eaten a monster amount of food and have drunk plenty too! Still at Mum and Dad's and then off to Lucy's parents tomorrow. Been reading Leonard Sweet's "out of the Question...into the Mystery?" He asks the question 'how did we get the point but miss the person?' A lot of the book focuses on Genesis 22 and Abraham setting off to kill his son Isaac. Sweet talks about Abraham passing the test of obedience but flunking the test of relationship....why didn't Abraham argue it out with God like he did for Sodom and Gomorrah? Have found the book has done for me what I think the author sets out to do....not challenged about what I believe but more challenged about if I am getting close to Jesus. God is looking for nothing less than full engagement because God is present and God is relational. Anyway enuff about that for now.... hope your Christmas was a goodie. Head buzzing with ideas and heart beginning to pound again with enthusiasm for 2006 in Newport. How will I judge 2006? I hope by relationships and not by statistics......relationship is crucial and Jesus is everything.

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