Thursday, October 06, 2005


01What-country-would-Jesus, originally uploaded by justtherev.
what country would Jesus bomb?

not always done our best as christians in presenting the real Jesus, let alone living the real Jesus. was impressed today with my visit to the Salvation Army HQ in Newport, just round the corner from our church. Met the captain there. top bloke called Gerald. hope we might do some youth stuff together in the future. no ghetto mentality there but plenty of signs of the coming of the for the marginalised and poor.

My bro came over today which was wonderful.

have no plans. no strategy. no vision. however there are plenty of ideas charging around my little mind and I have not felt this happy for a long time.

One week on...hope the happy feelings are still there, and that a few half hints of routes forward might emerge soon.
Here's a Thursday hug, anyway :-)
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