Sunday, March 13, 2005

the yoda of alt. worship

movie3_sm, originally uploaded by justtherev.
have just got back with L from a curates weekend residentail in Woolacombe. Very relaxing and v. inspiring. focus was on alt.worship and sessions and worship were led by Mr Jonny Baker - the yoda/jedi master of the alt. worship scene. really enjoyed myself.

last night' session was a movie watch - the whale rider. triggered loads in mind about leaders and visionaries. May need another viewing i think.

was worried that the average age of curates in glos diocese is on the steady rise....where is the new blood/next generation. Why does knowledge/experience seem to count for everything in Anglican leadership? why is a sense of adventure, spirit and risk not recognised as vital leadership traits?!!

where are the next generation of jedis?

I went forward for training in my early 20s and was told to wait until I was older and had more life experience.

Whilst waiting I became a Baptist and am now a Baptist Minister!
HI Justin, nice to catch up with you. Maybe the next generation of Jedis don't like the mould the C of E currently trains people in and they don't want to do normal vicary jobs - they might want to do other things that are off the map but where the C of E has no structure to finance those posts at the moment. So maybe they are waiting to see what happens.
missin cheltaheaven,
ps you can get me at
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