Tuesday, February 01, 2005


groover, originally uploaded by justtherev.
decent music helps I wrote.
Ah yes but what is decent music?
is it a style? Is it a standard?
is it about volume? Is it about tempo?
what makes church music decent?
Perhaps decent was the wrong word to use. So why did I use it?

Well personally I find the vast majority of church music to be performance driven. It maybe this that leaves much of the music I hear in churches bereft of passion, spontanaiety and adventure. There are precious few moments when the music in church makes you want to tap your foot let alone dance. the church music I have tended to enjoy the most of the years is the music that has been played by people who are really getting a buzz from playing for God.

There is however some music in churches that is consistently excluding insiders as well as outsiders because it is blatantly lame in style and delivery and we'd be better off wacking a CD on during our worship times.

Whatever it is and However it is played church music should surely lift you and not leave you feeling suicidal.

Can only agree justin...though I guess that God found me amid a very performance driven music culture (choral evensongs in uni chapels plus High Mass in London churches...hard to think of anything more performance driven, in fact!) so even here there are glimmers of hope...But yes, yes YES the music, like all else in liturgy, should facilitate a connection with God and not inspire you to take a short-cut to reach Him.
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