Sunday, June 27, 2004

well long time no word from just the rev. apologies people. i have been signed off work for the second time this year to give the antibiotics a chance to work.

i was standing in the garden on Friday talking to my mate Mark B on the phone when some young people (goodness the yoof of today!) threw a soggy pink bra over the wall which landed at my feet. Have yet to work out the significance of this!

yesterday my mate got remarried. was a great occasion and instead of a disco we had a pub quiz in the evening.

Have been thinking that if churches could serve booze then more people might come. people might sit through a Sunday morning service if they knew they could get a sherry or a pint at the end (or even during the service!). We could issue beer tokens for those who bought the parish mag. There have been discussions over the years about whether communion has to be bread and wine - some youth leaders have suggested coke and crisps. perhaps if communion is more about an open invitation to the lost than we have made it and perhaps if we are going to reach the men of gloucester with the good news then there is a place for remembering Jesus dying for us whilst scoffing pasties and downing some decent beer.

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